CASP completes successful Scottish fieldwork
Fieldwork in Scotland was carried out by Michael Flowerdew, Eszter Badenszki and Stephen Daly as part of a forthcoming CASP project that will investigate reactions between framework minerals in subsurface sandstone reservoirs with sequestered carbon dioxide. As part of a post-doctoral project formed through a partnership between iCRAG and CASP, a suite of samples was collected throughout the Lewisian Complex, which includes some of the UK’s oldest rocks. These rocks are thought to be a source of sand supplied to sandstone reservoirs earmarked as candidates for carbon capture and storage projects in the North Atlantic region. Pb isotopic analysis of feldspar from these samples will be used to test and refine current models of sedimentary provenance and sediment recycling and the potential influence of Lewisian feldspar composition on the reactivity of the candidate sandstones to sequestered carbon dioxide.
17 September 2021