Fluid flow simulations through different immature sandstone reservoirs (CASP.RFP.2)
This project will test the assertion that geochemical models conducted on samples from well control may not be appropriate for the injection site. It draws on the generic outcomes of case studies that investigated sub-basinal provenance and diagenesis compositional forcing. The reactivity of immature sandstone saline reservoirs with injected CO2 fluid is strongly dependent on fluid composition, feldspar and clay compositions, and their distribution within the rock. Provenance and burial diagenesis alter the composition, abundance and distribution of these minerals to such an extent to diverge significantly from well control models.
Research programme
Preparation of model inputs: mineral relationships will be determined using SEM-derived automated mineralogy on samples representing the extremes of provenance- and diagenesis-driven compositional variability recorded in Project 1 (CASP.RFP.1). From these relationships, potential mineral reactions with CO2 will be screened to those with appropriate experimental constraints.
Modelling: equilibrium, reaction path and kinetic models will utilise Geochemist’s Workbench incorporating PHREEQC. Models will be designed so that provenance and diagenetic effects can be considered in isolation and will incorporate different saline water chemistries.
- Geotechnical report – This will include a full description of model design, input parameters and graphical model outputs, and a discussion of how provenance and diagenetic drivers influence CO2 interactions within immature sandstone reservoirs. A results matrix will be generated to facilitate risk assessment where well injection sites are expected to have different reservoir compositions compared with well control.
Project duration
The project has a planned duration of 14 months.
Contact: Michael Flowerdew for further information about this research and licensing options.
- Geological Carbon Storage Research
- Mudrock Seals in CO2 Storage Systems Thematic Research
- Bunter Sandstone Storage Complex Thematic Research
- A palynozonation of the Bunter Sandstone CO2 storage complex: onshore analogue study (CASP.BSSC.1)
- Palynostratigraphy of the Bunter Sandstone CO2 storage complex in the Southern North Sea (CASP.BSSC.2)
- Cyclostratigraphy of the Early to Middle Triassic of the Southern North Sea (CASP.BSSC.3)
- Reservoir composition and diagenesis (CASP.BSSC.4)
- Controls on Bunter Sandstone composition (CASP.BSSC.5)
- Middle Triassic seals – onshore analogue study (CASP.BSSC.6)
- Middle Triassic seals – UK and Dutch offshore wells study (CASP.BSSC.7)
- Reactions and Flow of CO2 Fluid in Compositionally Immature Sandstones Thematic Research
- The Impact of Volcaniclastic Rocks on CO2 Storage Thematic Research
- Regional Research
- Reports
- Project History
- Data Packages
- Geological Collections and Data