Opening the Arctic Ocean: objective plate reconstructions in a data vacuum
Author(s): Scott, R.A.
Date: 06/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
Conference: The 26th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (GFF)
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
710 meetings found.
Author(s): Scott, R.A.
Date: 06/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
Conference: The 26th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (GFF)
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Author(s): Davies, C.E., Vincent, S.J., Hinds, D.J., Simmons, M.D., Richards, K. and Aliyeva, E.
Date: 20/12/2003 - 22/12/2003
Conference: 42nd Annual Meeting of the British Sedimentological Research Group
Location: Leeds, UK
Author(s): Howard, J.P., Davies, S.J., Cunningham, W.D. and Badarch, G.
Date: 20/12/2003 - 22/12/2003
Conference: 42nd Annual Meeting of the British Sedimentological Research Group
Location: Leeds, UK
Author(s): Howard, J.P., Davies, S.J., Cunningham, W.D. and Badarch, G.
Date: 20/12/2003 - 22/12/2003
Conference: 42nd Annual Meeting of the British Sedimentological Research Group
Location: Leeds, UK
Author(s): Searle, M.P. and Phillips, R.J.
Date: 08/12/2003 - 12/12/2003
Conference: Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union
Location: San Francisco, USA
Author(s): Phillips, R.J., Parrish, R.R. and Searle, M.P.
Date: 08/12/2003 - 12/12/2003
Conference: Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union
Location: San Francisco, USA
Author(s): Scott, R.A.
Date: 20/11/2003 - 22/11/2003
Conference: INTAS - NEMLOR Workshop
Location: St Petersburg, Russia
Author(s): Scott, R.A., Bellingham, P.T., White, N.J., Jones, S.M. and Inger, S.
Date: 30/09/2003 - 03/10/2003
Conference: ICAM IV - The Fourth International Conference on Arctic Margins
Location: Dartmouth, Canada
Author(s): Bogolepova, O.K. and Gubanov, A.P.
Date: 30/09/2003 - 03/10/2003
Conference: ICAM IV - The Fourth International Conference on Arctic Margins
Location: Dartmouth, Canada
Author(s): Gubanov, A.P. and Bogolepova, O.K.
Date: 30/09/2003 - 03/10/2003
Conference: ICAM IV - The Fourth International Conference on Arctic Margins
Location: Dartmouth, Canada
CASP staff and scientific partners frequently present the aspects of CASP research at national and international academic and industry conferences and meetings.