New data on the Silurian of Severnaya Zemlya
Author(s): Bogolepova, O.K., Gubanov, A.P. and Loydell, D.K.
Date: 18/10/2000 - 22/10/2000
Location: St Petersburg, Russia
710 meetings found.
Author(s): Bogolepova, O.K., Gubanov, A.P. and Loydell, D.K.
Date: 18/10/2000 - 22/10/2000
Location: St Petersburg, Russia
Author(s): Bogolepova, O.K., Gubanov, A.P. and Raevskaya, E.G.
Date: 18/10/2000 - 22/10/2000
Location: St Petersburg, Russia
Author(s): Gubanov, A.P.
Date: 18/10/2000 - 22/10/2000
Location: St Petersburg, Russia
Author(s): Scott, R.A., Bellingham, P.T., White, N.J., Jones, S.M. and Inger, S.
Date: 19/10/2000 - 22/10/2000
Conference: INTAS - EUROPROBE Timpebar-Uralides Workshop
Location: St Petersburg, Russia
Author(s): Allen, M.B., Jackson, J.A., Priestly, K., Ismail-Zadeh, A.D., Vincent, S.J. and Flecker, R.
Date: 19/10/2000 - 21/10/2000
Conference: 3rd International Azerbaijan Geophysical Conference: "Hydrocarbon potential of the South Caspian Basin and geophysical trend beyond 2000"
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Author(s): Kelly, S.R.A., Blanc, E.J.-P., Price, S.P. and Whitham, A.G.
Date: 14/09/2000 - 17/09/2000
Conference: The evolutionary biology of the Bivalvia
Location: Cambridge, UK
Author(s): Vincent, S.J.
Date: 22/06/2000 - 23/06/2000
Conference: British Sedimentological Research Group: "Millennium flux: sediment supply to basins"
Location: Southampton, UK
Author(s): Scott, R.A., Pickles, C.S. and Whitham, A.G.
Date: 17/04/2000 - 20/04/2000
Conference: Geoscience 2000
Location: Manchester, UK
Author(s): Scott, R.A., Pickles, C.S., Whitham, A.G., Inger, S. and Bartholomew, I.D.
Date: 16/04/2000 - 19/04/2000
Conference: AAPG Annual Convention: "Marching Into Global Markets - A World of Resources"
Location: New Orleans, USA
Author(s): Gómez-Pérez, I.
Date: 14/03/2000 - 17/03/2000
Conference: II Congreso Latinoamericano de Sedimentología y VIII Reunion Argentina de Sedimentología II
Location: Mar del Plata, Argentina
CASP staff and scientific partners frequently present the aspects of CASP research at national and international academic and industry conferences and meetings.