Microbial aragonite laminae in Recent travertine calcite crusts, Italy
Author(s): Guo, L. and Riding, R.
Date: 21/07/1992 - 25/07/1992
Conference: 9th Bathurst Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologists
Location: Liverpool, UK
710 meetings found.
Author(s): Guo, L. and Riding, R.
Date: 21/07/1992 - 25/07/1992
Conference: 9th Bathurst Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologists
Location: Liverpool, UK
Author(s): Gómez-Pérez, I., Fernández-Mendiola, P.A. and García-Mondéjar, J.
Date: 18/05/1992 - 20/05/1992
Conference: International Symposium on Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of European Basins
Location: Dijon, France
Author(s): Blanc, E.J.-P.
Date: 06/05/1992 - 08/05/1992
Conference: IAS & ASF International Symposium "Platform Margins"
Location: Chichilianne, France
Author(s): Bulot, L.G., Arnaud-Vanneau, A. and Blanc, E.J.-P.
Date: 06/05/1992 - 08/05/1992
Conference: IAS & ASF International Symposium "Platform Margins"
Location: Chichilianne, France
Author(s): Gómez-Pérez, I., Fernández-Mendiola, P.A. and García-Mondéjar, J.
Date: 06/05/1992 - 08/05/1992
Conference: IAS & ASF International Symposium "Platform Margins"
Location: Chichilianne, France
Author(s): Blanc, E.J.-P. and Beck, C.
Date: 13/04/1992 - 15/04/1992
Conference: 13e Reunion Annuelle des Sciences de la Terre
Location: Toulouse, France
Author(s): Scott, R.A.
Date: 01/12/1991 - 01/12/1991
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Mineralogical Society - Special session on deformation of sulphides
Location: Cardiff, UK
Author(s): Gómez-Pérez, I., Fernández-Mendiola, P.A. and García-Mondéjar, J.
Date: 16/09/1991 - 21/09/1991
Conference: Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomitization
Location: Ortisei, Italy
Author(s): Guo, L. and Riding, R.
Date: 02/08/1991 - 09/08/1991
Conference: International Union for Quaternary Research XIII International Congress
Location: Beijing, China
Author(s): Kelly, S.R.A.
Date: 24/06/1991 - 28/06/1991
Conference: 8th International Symposium on Gondwana
Location: Hobart, Australia
CASP staff and scientific partners frequently present the aspects of CASP research at national and international academic and industry conferences and meetings.