Michelle Shiers
Project Leader
Contact: [email protected]
Michelle Shiers received her MGeol and PhD from the University of Leeds in 2012 and 2017. Her PhD, entitled ‘Controls on the deposition, accumulation and preservation of mixed fluvial and marginal-marine successions in coastal-plain settings’ focused on the multi-scale analysis of fluvial and shallow marine stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Neslen Formation, Utah. The research documented a rare example of a fluvial-to-marine transition zone in the stratigraphic record and emphasised the important interplay of autogenic and allogenic controls on paralic successions. The implications of this for the distribution of reservoir heterogeneities and their prediction in the subsurface were discussed.
Michelle joined CASP in September 2017 when she worked as a geologist on the Uralian Provenance Project as well as making contributions to the Black Sea and Greater Caspian Provenance projects. She is currently applying her expertise to address the challenges of the energy transition as project leader of the Reservoir composition and diagenesis project (Bunter Sandstone Storage Complex research theme).
Latest Publications
- Controls on the depositional architecture of fluvial point-bar elements in a coastal plain succession
- An integrated model of clastic injectites and basin floor lobe complexes: implications for stratigraphic trap plays
- Response of a Coal-Bearing Coastal Plain Succession to Marine Transgression: Campanian Neslen Formation, Utah, USA
- Geometry and compartmentalization of fluvial meander-belt reservoirs at the bar-form scale: quantitative insight from outcrop, modern and subsurface analogues