Flood Basalt Impact on Hydrocarbon Systems Project 2019-2021
Hydrocarbon exploration has increasingly moved into volcanic basins, where intra-volcanic discoveries have been made. Through analogue studies, this project will address the many uncertainties that still remain concerning lava field sedimentation, reservoir architectures and properties, and the effects of volcanism on sub-volcanic sedimentary sections. In addition to addressing these generic uncertainties, this phase will also have specific relevance for those exploring along the East African Rift.

Main Objectives
- Constrain the depositional history of the volcanically affected Blue Nile Basin to aid comparisons to other East African lacustrine basins.
- Understand the impact of volcanism on the provenance of sub- and intra-volcanic sandstones of the Northwestern Highlands, Ethiopia.
- Investigate the impact of shield volcanoes on drainage pathways.
- Characterise magnetic susceptibilities through heterogeneous volcanic sequences.
- Elucidate the impact of volcanic debris on the diagenesis, reservoir properties and sealing capacities of sandstones.
Project Length: 24 months from February 2019.
Contact(s): Simon Passey
Reports Issued in This Project
- Multi-proxy provenance study of sub- and intra- volcanic sandstones of the Ogaden and Yayu basins, Ethiopia: Implications for the impact of volcanism on the development of syn-volcanic sedimentary systems CASP.FBP2019-21.22
- U–Pb geochronology of zircons from sub- and intra-volcanic sedimentary units, Ethiopian Flood Basalt Province: Implications for the impact of volcanism on the development of syn-volcanic sedimentary systems CASP.FBP2019-21.21
- The impact of shield volcanism on the syn-volcanic development of a volcano-sedimentary basin: a case-study from the Ethiopian Flood Basalt Province CASP.FBP2019-21.20
- Characterising the Ethiopian Flood Basalt Province on the Somali Plateau, SE Ethiopia CASP.FBP2019-21.19
- Controls on the magnetic susceptibilities of volcanic lithologies CASP.FBP2019-21.18
- Geological Carbon Storage Research
- Mudrock Seals in CO2 Storage Systems Thematic Research
- Bunter Sandstone Storage Complex Thematic Research
- A palynozonation of the Bunter Sandstone CO2 storage complex: onshore analogue study (CASP.BSSC.1)
- Palynostratigraphy of the Bunter Sandstone CO2 storage complex in the Southern North Sea (CASP.BSSC.2)
- Cyclostratigraphy of the Early to Middle Triassic of the Southern North Sea (CASP.BSSC.3)
- Reservoir composition and diagenesis (CASP.BSSC.4)
- Controls on Bunter Sandstone composition (CASP.BSSC.5)
- Middle Triassic seals – onshore analogue study (CASP.BSSC.6)
- Middle Triassic seals – UK and Dutch offshore wells study (CASP.BSSC.7)
- Reactions and Flow of CO2 Fluid in Compositionally Immature Sandstones Thematic Research
- The Impact of Volcaniclastic Rocks on CO2 Storage Thematic Research
- Regional Research
- Reports
- Project History
- Data Packages
- Geological Collections and Data