(9) Sandbach-Formation
Author(s): Niebuhr, B. and Schneider, S.
133 entries found.
Author(s): Niebuhr, B. and Schneider, S.
Author(s): Passey, S. and Hitchen, K.
Author(s): Kelly, S.R.A.
Author(s): Harland, W.B., Hambrey, M.J., Perkins, P.J., Heafford, A.P., Kelly, S.R.A., Dowdeswell, E.K., Dowling, L.M., Craig, L.E., Smith, A.G., Cooper, B., Jacquart, G., Kvinnsland, O.J., Woodruff, A., Rider, M. and Fothergill, C.
Author(s): Heafford, A.P. and Kelly, S.R.A.
Author(s): Pirrie, D., Whitham, A.G. and Ineson, J.R.
Author(s): Doyle, P.D. and Whitham, A.G.
Author(s): Pattrick, R.A.D., Curtis, S.F., Scott, R.A. and Treagus, J.E.
Author(s): Scott, R.A.
Author(s): Scott, R.A.