Palynological and petrological characterisation of a North Sea Palaeocene volcaniclastic sequence
Author(s): Jolley, D.W. and Morton, A.C.
697 entries found.
Author(s): Jolley, D.W. and Morton, A.C.
Author(s): Kelly, S.R.A. and Moncrieff, A.C.M.
Author(s): Morton, A.C., Davies, J.R. and Waters, R.A.
Author(s): Kelly, S.R.A., Wang Yigang and Jin Zhang
Author(s): Strong, G.E., Milodowski, A.E., Pearce, J.M., Kemp, S.J., Prior, S.V. and Morton, A.C.
Author(s): Moncrieff, A.C.M. and Kelly, S.R.A.
Author(s): Kanaris-Sotiriou, R., Morton, A.C. and Taylor, P.N.
Author(s): Kelly, S.R.A.
Author(s): Hitchen, K., Ritchie, J.D. and Morton, A.C.
Author(s): Kelly, S.R.A.