Low temperature aquaeous mobility of rare earth elements; evidence from diagenetic francolite
Author(s): Bouch, J.E., Hole, M.J., Trewin, N.H. and Morton, A.C.
697 entries found.
Author(s): Bouch, J.E., Hole, M.J., Trewin, N.H. and Morton, A.C.
Author(s): White, R.S. and Morton, A.C.
Author(s): Kelly, S.R.A., Ditchfield, P., Doubleday, P.A. and Marshall, J.D.
Author(s): Morton, A.C., Hitchen, K., Ritchie, J.D., Hine, N.M., Whitehouse, M. and Carter, S.G.
Author(s): Crame, J.A. and Kelly, S.R.A.
Author(s): Morton, A.C. and Hallsworth, C.R.
Author(s): Morton, A.C., Humphreys, B., Dharmayanti, D.A. and Sundoro
Author(s): Doyle, P., Kelly, S.R.A., Pirrie, D., Riccardi, A.C. and Olivero, E.
Author(s): Doyle, P., Kelly, S.R.A., Pirrie, D. and Riccardi, A.C.