Isotopic dating of overthrusting, collapse and related granitoid intrusion in the Grampian orogenic belt, northwestern Ireland
Author(s): Flowerdew, M.J., Daly, J.S., Guise, P.G. and Rex, D.C.
694 entries found.
Author(s): Flowerdew, M.J., Daly, J.S., Guise, P.G. and Rex, D.C.
Author(s): Morton, A.C., Safton, K., Mundy, D.J.C., Passingham, B. and Sargent, M.
Author(s): Hurst, A.R. and Morton, A.C.
Author(s): Bouch, J.E., Hole, M.J., Trewin, N.H., Chenery, S. and Morton, A.C.
Author(s): Curtis, M.L.
Author(s): Hallsworth, C.R., Morton, A.C., Claoué-Long, J.C. and Fanning, C.M.
Author(s): Smelror, M., Kelly, S.R.A., Dypvik, H., Mork, A., Nagy, J. and Tsikalas, F.
Author(s): Morton, A.C., Hallsworth, C.R. and Claoué-Long, J.C.
Author(s): Curtis, M.L.
Author(s): Sabeen, H.M., Ramanujam, N. and Morton, A.C.