Short note: On the age and relation between metamorphic gneisses and the Trinity Peninsula Group, Bowman Coast, Graham Land, Antarctica
Author(s): Flowerdew, M.J.
697 entries found.
Author(s): Flowerdew, M.J.
Author(s): Carriol, R.-P. and Schneider, S.
Author(s): Szulc, A.G., Alsop, G.I. and Oliver, G.J.H.
Author(s): Frieling, D., Pippèrr, M., Schneider, S. and Reichenbacher, B.
Author(s): Passey, S.R. and Jolley, D.W.
Author(s): Leat, P.T., Flowerdew, M.J., Riley, T.R., Whitehouse, M.J., Scarrow, J.H. and Millar, I.L.
Author(s): Flowerdew, M.J., Chew, D.M., Daly, J.S. and Millar, I.L.
Author(s): Bitner, M.A. and Schneider, S.
Author(s): Curtis, M.L., Riley, T.R., Owens, W.H., Leat, P.T. and Duncan, R.A.
Author(s): Schneider, S.