Flow transformations, mud partitioning and the variable stratigraphic architecture of basin-floor fan fringes
Author(s): Obradors-Latre, A., Haughton, P.D.W., Pierce, C.S., Shannon, P.M., Lacchia, A.R., Barker, S.P. and Martinsen, O.J.
694 entries found.
Author(s): Obradors-Latre, A., Haughton, P.D.W., Pierce, C.S., Shannon, P.M., Lacchia, A.R., Barker, S.P. and Martinsen, O.J.
Author(s): Schneider, S. and Pointon, M.A.
Author(s): Sanders, I.S., Daly, J.S. and Flowerdew, M.J.
Author(s): Schneider, S. and Linse, U.
Author(s): Pott, C., Kelly, S.R.A., Bomfleur, B. and Schneider, S.
Author(s): Wisshak, M., Schneider, S., Mikuláš, R., Richiano, S., Ramil, F. and Wilson, M.A.
Author(s): Aghayeva, V., Sachsenhofer, R.F., van Baak, C.G.C., Bayramova, S., Ćorić, S., Frühwirth, M.J., Rzayeva, E. and Vincent, S.J.
Author(s): Riley, T.R., Millar, I.L., Carter, A., Flowerdew, M.J., Burton-Johnson, A., Bastias, J., Storey, C.D., Castillo, P., Chew, D. and Whitehouse, M.J.
Author(s): Rosenqvist, M.P., Meakins, M.W.J., Planke, S., Millett, J.M., Kjøll, H.J., Voigt, M.J. and Jamtveit, B.
Author(s): Pointon, M.A., Smyth, H., Omma, J.E., Morton, A.C., Schneider, S., Hülse, P., Rippington, S.J., Lopez-Mir, B., Crowley, Q.G., Millar, I., Whitehouse, M.J., Frei, D., Scott, R.A. and Flowerdew, M.J.