A revised palynological zonation for the Middle-Upper Triassic (Anisian-Rhaetian) succession of Svalbard and the Barents Shelf
Author(s): Paterson, N.W. and Mangerud, G.
694 entries found.
Author(s): Paterson, N.W. and Mangerud, G.
Author(s): Hoyle, T.M., Leroy, S.A.G., López-Merino, L. and Richards, K.
Author(s): Paterson, N.W., Morris, P.H. and Mangerud, G.
Author(s): Meyerhoff, A.A.
Author(s): Belevtsev, Y.N.
Author(s): Kelly, S.R.A., Dhondt, A.V. and Zakharov, V.A.
Author(s): Townsend, C.
Author(s): Townsend, C.
Author(s): Gayer, R.A. and Townsend, C.
Author(s): Harland, W.B., Mann, A. and Townsend, C.