Chaotic breccia along the Dent Fault, NW England: implosion or collapse of a fault void?
Author(s): Woodcock, N.H., Omma, J.E. and Dickson, J.A.D.
692 entries found.
Author(s): Woodcock, N.H., Omma, J.E. and Dickson, J.A.D.
Author(s): Nøhr-Hansen, H., Larsen, M., Kelly, S.R.A. and Whitham, A.G.
Author(s): Kershaw, S., Guo, L. and Braga, J.C.
Author(s): Chaler, R., Dorronsoro, C., Grimalt, J.O., Agirrezabala, L.M., Fernandez-Mendiola, P.A., Garcia-Mondejar, J., Gomez-Perez, I. and Lopez-Horgue, M.
Author(s): Le Heron, D.P. and Etienne, J.L.
Author(s): Walderhaug, H.J., Eide, E.A., Scott, R.A., Inger, S. and Golionko, B.G.
Author(s): Morton, A.C., Whitham, A.G. and Fanning, C.M.
Author(s): Parsons, I., Thompson, P., Lee, M.R. and Cayzer, N.
Author(s): Hoogendoorn, R.M., Boels, J.F., Kroonenberg, S.B., Simmons, M.D., Aliyeva, E., Babazadeh, A.D. and Huseynov, D.
Author(s): Vincent, S.J., Allen, M.B., Ismail-Zadeh, A.D., Flecker, R., Foland, K.A. and Simmons, M.D.