Tectonostratigraphic evolution of a Mesozoic graben border system: the Chachil depocentre, southern Neuquen Basin, Argentina
Author(s): Franzese, J.R., Veiga, G.D., Schwarz, E. and Gόmez-Pérez, I.
697 entries found.
Author(s): Franzese, J.R., Veiga, G.D., Schwarz, E. and Gόmez-Pérez, I.
Author(s): Paton, D.A., Macdonald, D.I.M. and Underhill, J.R.
Author(s): Le Heron, D.P. and Thusu, B.
Author(s): Harland, M., Francis, J.E., Brentnall, S.J. and Beerling, D.J.
Author(s): Çagatay, M.N., Görür, N., Flecker, R., Sakinç, M., Tünoglu, C., Ellam, R.M., Krijgsman, W., Vincent, S.J. and Dikbas, A.
Author(s): Le Heron, D.P., Craig, J., Sutcliffe, O.E. and Whittington, R.J.
Author(s): Searle, M.P. and Phillips, R.J.
Author(s): Kershaw, S., Wood, R. and Guo, L.
Author(s): Le Heron, D.P. and Thusu, B.
Author(s): Allen, M.B., Anderson, L.M., Searle, R.C. and Buslov, M.M.