Detrital zircon ages from the islands of Inousses and Psara, Aegean Sea, Greece: constraints on depositional age and provenance
Author(s): Meinhold, G. and Frei, D.
694 entries found.
Author(s): Meinhold, G. and Frei, D.
Author(s): Smyth, H.R., Hall, R. and Nichols, G.J.
Author(s): Mu, X., Kershaw, S., Li, Y., Guo, L., Qi, Y. and Reynolds, A.
Author(s): Clements, B., Hall, R., Smyth, H.R. and Cottam, M.A.
Author(s): Meinhold, G., Kostopoulos, D., Frei, D., Himmerkus, F. and Reischmann, T.
Author(s): Kaim, A. and Kelly, S.R.A.
Author(s): Philippe, M., Jiang, H.-E., Kim, K., Oh, C., Gromyko, D., Harland, M., Paik, I.-S. and Thevenard, F.
Author(s): Meinhold, G., Kostopoulos, D., Reischmann, T., Frei, D. and BouDagher-Fadel, M.K.
Author(s): Pease, V.L. and Scott, R.A.
Author(s): Rice, S.P., Robertson, A.H.F., Ustaömer, T., Inan, N. and Tasli, K.