Phase transformation of Mg-calcite to aragonite in active-forming hot spring travertines
Author(s): Greer, H.F., Zhou, W. and Guo, L.
694 entries found.
Author(s): Greer, H.F., Zhou, W. and Guo, L.
Author(s): Schneider, S.
Author(s): Lovell, H., Fleming, E.J., Benn, D.I., Hubbard, B., Lukas, S., Rea, B.R., Noormets, R. and Flink, A.E.
Author(s): Flecker, R., Krijgsman, W., Capella, W., de Castro Martins, C., Demitrieva, E., Mayser, J.P., Marzocchi, A., Modestou, S., Ochoa, D., Simon, D., Tulbure, M., van den Berg, B., van der Schee, M., de Lange, G., Ellam, R., Govers, G., Gutjahr, M., Hilgen, F., Kouwenhoven, T., Lofi, J., Meijer, P.T., Sierro, F.J., Bachiri, N., Barboun, N., Abdelwahid, C.A., Chacon, B., Flores, J.A., Gregory, J., Howard, J., Lunt, D., Ochoa, M., Pancost, R., Vincent, S.J. and Yousfi, M.Z.
Author(s): Benn, D.I., Le Hir, G., Bao, H., Donnadieu, Y., Dumas, C., Fleming, E.J., Hambrey, M.J., McMillan, E.A., Petronis, M.S., Ramstein, G., Stevenson, C.T.E., Wynn, P.M. and Fairchild, I.J.
Author(s): Schofield, N., Holford, S., Millett, J., Brown, D., Jolley, D., Passey, S., Muirhead, D., Grove, C., Magee, C., Murray, J., Hole, M., Jackson, C.A.-L. and Stevenson, C.
Author(s): Fairchild, I.J., Fleming, E.J., Bao, H., Benn, D.I., Boomer, I., Dublyansky, Y.V., Halverson, G.P., Hambrey, M.J., Hendy, C., McMillan, E.A., Spötl, C., Stevenson, C.T.E. and Wynn, P.M.
Author(s): Krippner, A., Meinhold, G., Morton, A.C., Russell, E. and von Eynatten, H.
Author(s): Krippner, A., Meinhold, G., Morton, A., Schönig, J. and von Eynatten, H.
Author(s): Fleming, E.J., Benn, D.I., Stevenson, C.T.E., Petronis, M.S., Hambrey, M.J. and Fairchild, I.J.