SWEDARCTIC International Expedition 1999 – northwest Siberia: northern Taymyr and October Revolution Island
The environments of our planet, from topography to climate, are dictated by the movement of lithospheric plates. The relative motion associated with these large, rigid pieces of the Earth’s continental and oceanic crust results in convergence and collision or divergence and spreading. Our work attempts to unravel the long and complicated convergent and collisional history of the Eurasian High Arctic. We are seeking a new understanding of the geodynamic evolution and, in this context, Taymyr and Severnaya Zemlya play a central role.
Publication Details
Journal ArticleTitle
SWEDARCTIC International Expedition 1999 – northwest Siberia: northern Taymyr and October Revolution IslandYear
Gee, D.G., Pease, V.L., Bogolepova, O.K., Eriksson, R., Gubanov, A.P., Inger, S., Scott, R.A., Kireev, S.B., Metelkin, D.V., Vernikovskaya, A.E., Vernikovsky, V.A., Nilsson, J., Proskurnin, V. and Tagesson, E.Journal
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