Whole rock geochemistry, mineralogy and source potential of the Silurian Akkas Formation in the Akkas-1 well, western Iraq
Paleozoic of Arabia Project 2011-13Author(s): Al-Juboury, A. and Howard, J.P.
Report Number: CASP.PZA2011-13.2
2012-06101 entries found.
Author(s): Al-Juboury, A. and Howard, J.P.
Report Number: CASP.PZA2011-13.2
2012-06Author(s): de Leeuw, A. and Vincent, S.J.
Report Number: CASP.BlackSea.NW2012-14.1
2012-05Author(s): de Leeuw, A. and Vincent, S.J.
Report Number: CASP.BlackSea2010-12.37
2012-05Author(s): Whitham, A.G., Meinhold, G., Howard, J.P., Le Heron, D.P., Vautravers, B.P.H., Morton, A.C., Frei, D., Abutarruma, Y., Hyden, F.M., Kaye, M.N.D., Page, A., Paris, F., Rasul, S., Johnson, C., Stewart, J.C., Thusu, B., Abdulkarim, A. and Elgadry, M.
Report Number: CASP.KBP.II.23
2012-02Author(s): Morton, A.C., Whitham, A.G., Hemming, S. and Thompson, S.
Report Number: CASP.EGS.GNP2012-14.135
2012-01Author(s): Sinclair, S. and Whitham, A.G.
Report Number: CASP.EGS.GNP2009-11.132
2011-12Author(s): Morton, A.C. and Howard, J.P.
Report Number: CASP.ES.II.6.5
2011-11Author(s): Whitham, A.G., Morton, A.C., Abdulkarim, A., Vautravers, B.P.H., Abutarruma, Y. and Thusu, B.
Report Number: CASP.KBP.II.22
2011-10Author(s): Rippington, S., Smyth, H., Kaye, M.N.D., Marshall, J.E.A. and Walker, L.
Report Number: CASP.ARDP2010-12.I.6
2011-10Author(s): Scott, R.A., Omma, J.E., Morton, A.C. and Smyth, H.
Report Number: CASP.ARDP2010-12.II.1